About PayUp Jack
The Long story, short…
Chris is social...very social.
Joseph, is social too.
George is social AND he is an Organizer.
So…we created an app to make George’s life easier…that’s pretty much it.
The Long Story…
Chris and George are social and have a large network of family and friends. They often coordinate social activities on their behalf (like recreational sports teams, ski trip weekends, concerts, Blue Jays games, and hockey playoff pools). Over pizza and wings one night, they vented to each other about the “pain” and awkwardness of collecting money for all the social activities they organized--actually, it was more like George venting to Chris. Specifically, they agreed it is a greater pain to collect money from a group of friends/family rather than between just two individuals. They both experienced being short-changed when they were owed money (well, more George than Chris). In addition, they always felt inconvenienced to have to collect money by other means and then having to pay-down their own credit card for all the expenses they incurred, and mostly, the awkwardness of reminding their friends and family to pay back!
Using their business savviness, they investigated this opportunity from all sorts of perspectives. They were pleased to learn that they were not the only people who felt organizing social activities for friends and family can be a “thankless job”. So, they thought, why not make it easier for this person, “the organizer” (or George), to collect money from a group of friends and family for social activities? PayUp Jack was born!
Seeing that this is a money collection app, Chris and George realized they needed a superstar financial strategist and someone to manage the operations in order to complete the team; enter Joseph Cheung, PayUp Jack’s own “Polaris”, entrepreneurial Chartered Professional Accountant (isn’t that an oxymoron?), accountable for operations and financial strategy.
With Chris’s strategic foresight and experience, George’s marketing savviness and Joseph’s ability to count beans and do something with those beans, the PayUp Jack Executive Team is driven with entrepreneurial spirit, passion and resilience.